Archive for June, 2006

June 18, 2006

Wildflower meadow

Wildflower meadow
Originally uploaded by Ray Haych.

If you go into McIntyres field now you would hardly know that it was a mass of flowering Grass Vetchling last week. It has all but gone but now there are hundreds of these Pyramidal Orchids in flower.

June 18, 2006

Must have been some party !!

Must have been some party !!
Originally uploaded by Ray Haych.

I found these 3 Stag beetle segments on a woodland path at Lancing Ring
It is believed by experts to be the work of Magpies that eat the juicy bits. The Beetles don’t quite realised they should be dead and continue to wriggle their remaining legs and antennae!

June 12, 2006

Common Spotted Orchid

Common Spotted Orchid
Originally uploaded by Ray Haych.

A single Common Spotted Orchid was first spotted by Jan Haych in the McIntyres Field of Lancing Ring

June 11, 2006

Grass Vetchling

Grass Vetchling
Originally uploaded by Ray Haych.

One of thousands of the these plants growing in the lower half of McIntyres Field on Lancing Ring